Momo Kromah
Security Officer/International Liaison Officer
Momo B. Kromah’s lifelong goal, desire and ambition is to make a difference in the lives of the most vulnerable. Born and raised in Liberia, Momo did see his share of what it is like to be poor. With the love of his parents who did not acquire a formal education, with no money, he became the first from his family to earn an education through hard work, and the assistance of people who served as mentors. After completion of his schooling, he became a Law Enforcement Officer, where he worked to fight injustice and help protect his people. Momo believes that all humans are created equal with the same rights, that every child deserves to be educated and cared for in order to grow up to become assets to their families and society, rather than a burden. With his daily struggles he encountered while growing up in Liberia, and the tireless efforts he put to be the man he is today, Momo vowed to make a difference in people’s lives. In his personal life as a father, he made sure that all his children have the same opportunities as the privileged members of his society. While overseas, he has been a supporter and a mentor to the youth back in Liberia. Both his personal and financial support has made a great difference in the lives of the youth. |